THE Elder Scrolls Online Orsinium DLC update has been teased by Zenimax Studios since the release of the Imperial City pack and has now been given a fix launch date and trailer for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.
- Reforging Orsinium starts in November on Xbox One, PS4 and PC
Orsinium, the ancestral home of the Orcs, will include all-new enemies and allies and will be Tamriel Unlimited's largest game pack to date.
Zenimax say that the new DLC will include over 20 hours of content and will launch on PC/Mac on November 2, Xbox One on November 17, and on November 18 for PlayStation 4.Orsinium is included with an active ESO Plus membership or will be available for 3,000 crowns via the ESOTU Crown Store.
- Tamriel Unlimited's latest adventure is being released soon
A new solo arena challenge, The Maelstrom Arena, is being added through the new DLC, featuring nine combat rings and two different difficulty levels.
Zenimax say fans will be able to test their might against the fiercest enemies by themselves and receive generous rewards if they prove victorious.
"King Kurog, reigning monarch of the Orcs, has sent invitations far and wide to enterprising adventurers. Join him in rebuilding the city and returning it to its former glory.
"Your efforts and actions while in Orsinium and the mountains of Wrothgar have a direct impact on the reconstruction effort—the city will visibly transform."
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